Is your municipality ScuolAPP enabled? Sign up to enjoy school bus service and join ScuolAPP community.
Get your user id, password and user kit.
Download ScuolAPP from Google Play or App Store.

Get on board!

Real Time
Real time tracking of school bus position and push notification when the bus is getting close to pick up and drop off positions.
Safety and Information
Be readily informed as soon as your children get on board or leave the bus.

Flexible and Pratical
Easily manage more children at the same time! Different school and different time tables are not an issue! You can even easily schedule different pick up points based on week days or based on contingecies.

Get in touch with the Transport Company and the Bus Drivers. ScuolAPP informs the users about:
- Route and Time Table changes
- Payment reminders
- Daily service schedule
- Service suspension
Trip History
ScuolAPP route log allows you to keep record of your children daily trips, giving you every details about pick up and drop off times and locations.